РЕСУРСИ - Go Responsible


На тази страница ще откриете материали за отговорен туризтм в Европа, Карибския басейн и останалата част на света: финансиране, проучване, НПО, институции и мрежи.


Research studies

Governmental institution and network at French/ European/ international dealing with Responsible Tourism


The natural way


EHE-mark is a quality mark to label tourism products in compliance with the principles of eco tourism. The objective of the EHE-mark is to promote the principles of eco tourism among tourism enterprises, consumers and public. By applying the EHE-mark to its products, the entrepreneur obliges to follow the principles of eco tourism and fulfil the requirements set to the products.



Eco-dynamic Enterprise Label


The ‘Eco-dynamic Enterprise’ label gives official recognition for the good environmental practices of companies in the Brussels-Capital Region. It awards them for their environment activism and their improvement especially in waste management, rational energy consumption, mobility management, and others. Furthermore, it promotes and provides support to companies for the implementation of an internationally recognised environmental management system, as it is recommended by ISO 14001 or the European EMAS standard.




Federal Ministry Republic of Austria

Sustainability and Tourism

With the Austrian Ecolabel for Tourism a quality label was created in 1996, by the acquisition of which Austria’s tourist enterprises are offered the opportunity to demonstrate environmentally conscious management and social action also externally. Criteria documents have been developed for various sectors: accommodation, gastronomy, event-catering, community catering, camping, shelter huts, travel offers and green meetings and green events.





The National Union of Tourism Associations (UNAT) brings together the main French tourism associations, federations and unions. 

Its missions are multiple:

– to represent the associative tourism sector with the public authorities and social partners, with the will to make an active contribution to the maintenance, or even the development, of a social policy for holidays and tourism.

– to be at the service of and attentive to members by setting up tools (quality charters, promotional assistance, statistical and economic evaluation, various guarantee funds, etc.).

– Investing in social actions in terms of holidays, welcoming disabled people and partnerships with trade unions and works councils.

– carrying out studies, disseminating information on the business sector with the publication of a directory, a monthly internal communication magazine Flash Unat, reports, etc.

– promote and support social and solidarity tourism

UNAT is a founding member of ATES.





Fair Trade France (CEF) is the main French collective for consultation and representation of fair-trade actors in France aiming to defend and promote the sector.

It brings together some forty national-scale organisations involved in fair trade, whose various regional networks represent more than 600 structures in France.




Sustainable Tourism Solutions Expo 2019

The STSE features two full days of opportunities for B2B networking and deal-making. Find out the latest in wastewater treatment systems, learn how to get certified by Travelife, and set up agreements with local coffee producers. Visiting the expo is free and open to the public. Attend four symposia on cutting edge and practical approaches to sustainable tourism, which will bring together business practitioners and new thinkers. Find out how to reduce your plastic usage, ways to keep your staff happy and productive, and what to do with your guests’ leftovers. All sessions are free and open to the public.





the official quality and environmental system for Icelandic Tourism



Scottish Wildlife & Adventure Tourism Association




World Tourism Organization

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. 

As the leading international organization in the field of tourism, UNWTO promotes tourism as a driver of economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability and offers leadership and support to the sector in advancing knowledge and tourism policies worldwide. UNWTO encourages the implementation of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, to maximize tourism’s socio-economic contribution while minimizing its possible negative impacts, and is committed to promoting tourism as an instrument in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), geared towards reducing poverty and fostering sustainable development worldwide.




Caribbean Competition

The Caribbean Competitiveness Partnership Fund (CFPF) is a private sector development program that provides innovative and practical solutions that stimulate economic growth, increase productivity and foster innovation and competitiveness. We work in 13 countries in the Caribbean region.

The CCPF is a partnership between the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID).

CCPF focuses on boosting economic growth in the Caribbean by increasing productivity, fostering innovation and positioning regional products and services competitively in the global marketplace. Through this competition, the CCPF invites and selects project proposals to demonstrate the types of investments and activities that private sector enterprises can adopt to achieve these outcomes.



The Icelandic Tourist Board

shall monitor and promote the development of tourism as an important and sustainable pillar of the Icelandic economy, having regard to the carrying capacity of Icelandic nature and society, as well as facilitate coordination, analyses and research in the tourism sector in accordance with government policy.



New Zealand

New Zealand Tourism Sustainability Commitment

The New Zealand Tourism Sustainability Commitment aims to see every New Zealand tourism business committed to sustainability by 2025 – our Vision is Leading the World in Sustainable Tourism. To deliver on this, we must achieve ambitious economic goals while sharing the overwhelming benefits with supportive host communities, contributing to restoring, protecting and enhancing our natural environment, and continuing to be a high quality destination of choice for domestic and international travelers.

We are inviting every New Zealand tourism business to join us on this inspirational sustainability journey. Sign up now to the Tourism Sustainability Commitment and adopt 14 Commitments that will ensure we achieve our goals. Together we can create a truly sustainable tourism industry that makes a positive and enduring contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand.



NGOs French / Caribbean/ EU/ International


Bilan Carbone, Paris

 The bilan carbone methods enables to

1.assess the greenhouse gas emission of an activity, a service or a product, estimated in ‘tonnes carbon (C02) equivalent’, and the energy conssumption category by category

2.anticipate actions required to reduce the greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions and the energy consomption.



Voyageons-autrement.com #TourismeDurable

Voyageons-autrement.com promotes accommodations, tour operators and all tourism businesses in France and around the world that have been verified by a third party and independent sustainable tourism certification program or recommended by a recognized organization. One of the aims of the portal is to help travellers and travel stakeholders to choose destinations, not only because of the beauty of the sites, but also because they will thus be able to contribute to the development of local communities and the protection of fauna and flora.





Travel Foundation is a UK based charity set up by industry for industry which aims to respond to concerns of sustainable travel. They provide tools and assistance to travellers, travel agencies and business to become more sustainable. The organization provides hands on training and tools that range from greening your hotel (or tour operator or facility) to running a water and energy savings project.





Blue Ventures develops transformative approaches for catalyzing and sustaining locally led marine conservation. We work in places where the ocean is vital to local cultures and economies and are committed to protecting marine biodiversity in ways that benefit coastal people.




Tourism Concern

Action for Ethical Tourism

Tourism Concern works for ethical and fairly traded tourism wherever we can make a difference – campaigning, informing, supporting. Our Campaigns pages are bursting with examples of how we carry out our work and why it’s so important.




Viajar Verde

Turismo Sustentável

The Green Travel was born of the need to broaden the exchange of information and ideas on responsible tourism in Brazil and in the world and make more conscious and sustainable sector. Our goal is to make room to highlight positive initiatives for environmental protection, socio-cultural value and economic sustainability, which can be multiplied by travelers, entrepreneurs, communities, authorities, associations, NGOs, and other destinations involved in the delightful activity that is traveling. And of course, make tourism a healthy opportunity for all.






Parkbus connects city dwellers with nature through accessible transportation options. Founded in 2010, we operate bus services to National and Provincial Parks from major cities across Canada.






Planeterra Foundation is a non-profit organization harnessing the travel industry to invest in rural and underserved communities around the globe. Planeterra is the non-profit partner of the small-group travel company, G Adventures. Planeterra helps local businesses in travel destinations that are making a positive impact on their communities, supporting them to create a successful tourism experience by linking them into G Adventures travel itineraries.




Viajar Verde

Turismo Sustentável

The Green Travel was born of the need to broaden the exchange of information and ideas on responsible tourism in Brazil and in the world and make more conscious and sustainable sector. Our goal is to make room to highlight positive initiatives for environmental protection, socio-cultural value and economic sustainability, which can be multiplied by travelers, entrepreneurs, communities, authorities, associations, NGOs, and other destinations involved in the delightful activity that is traveling. And of course, make tourism a healthy opportunity for all.



Cape verde


ECOCENO foundation is a consultancy operating on the islands of Cape Verde dedicated to raise awareness to protect the Atlantic Ocean and the environment we live in. Throughout our series of classes at 11 primary schools in Cape Verde, we aim to encourage sustainable behaviour and interaction among the coastal communities.

Our goal is to keep our youth well-informed about the threats we impose on the nature by our actions. We want our children aged between 8 and 16 years to get directly involved in a variety of local projects regarding coastal and marine environmental protection. Thus, they are sensibilised to environmental issues and encouraged to take responsible actions.


Kailend: Engage. Empower. Educate

We believe that investing the profits from our sustainable farming activities into scholarships and vocational training programs for low income earning women and children can play a major role in shaping the future of the communities we work in.



Association for the Integrated Development (OAID)

On the 28th December 2018, Onsar Association for the Integrated Development (OAID) was founded as a registered non-profit NGO based in Onsar, Ourtzagh, Taounate. Founder members comprised of BA holders, rural women, civil servants, students and development planners. OAID was established with the aim of playing an active role in contributing towards sustainable development efforts in the fields of organic farming promotion, extraction and distillation of medicinal and aromatic plants, and ecotourism and environment conservation are in the heart of association interests. Its main strength lies on the corporation with other effective national and international organizations members who are professionally qualified, experienced and well known in development circles, as well as its capacity to draw on multi-disciplinary expertise and co-operation from government and non-government sectors.





The Mesoamerican Reef Tourism Initiative (MARTI) is led by a group of nonprofit and private sector participants working to maintain a vibrant tourism industry that can support local communities and contribute to a healthy ecosystem.




CBT (Community based tourism): Kyaikthale village

Based on our existing knowledge and long-term association with the community in question, we believe this carefully thought community based tourism proposal has the potential to make a real difference to all those involved. Not only will it help to stimulate existing business practice and provide a new source of income to an otherwise excluded area, but it will see to the continuation and practice of home industry, farming and centuries old Myanmar cultural tradition. Through regular and professionally led training program, we are also confident that the community will benefit from a better understanding of international service standards and the daily practice of basic health and safety fundamentals.


Sri Lanka


Sri Lanka Ecotourism Foundation

Focus of Sri Lanka Ecotourism Foundation is the social and ‘economic development of rural communities in Sri Lanka, through Community Based Ecotourism Enterprises (CBEs). From its inception, SLEF has worked hard to introduce and implement poverty alleviation programs through ecotourism. To realize this objective, SLEF provides support services and motivates local communities to participate in Community Based Ecotourism and environmental conservation projects. The Sri Lanka Ecotourism Foundation (SLEF) focuses in reducing poverty in the tourism generating areas of Sri Lanka, contribute to economic growth, increase employment, and promote the conservation of the natural, cultural heritage sites. The specific objective of SLEF is to promote sustainable tourism in Sri Lanka and position the same as one of the best ecotourism destinations in the South Asia through infrastructure improvements, community and private sector participation, and regional cooperation. The SLEF is trying hard to improve infrastructure to promote ecotourism, promote pro-poor, community-based sustainable tourism in rural areas, and strengthen of regional cooperation. SLEF believes ecotourism could mitigate environmental degradation, develop human resources, and promote cooperation between private and public sectors in Sri Lanka.





Adventure Travel Trade Association

The ATTA is a privately held, for-profit industry trade group that serves to network, educate, professionalize and promote the adventure travel industry. We succeed only by serving our members and advancing responsible, sustainable adventure travel practices.



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Website created by Stephanie Saxemard

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