Anaïs Janvier Chardon, is an educational farm of 17 hectares located in a lush and soothing setting. There is therefore enough room to accommodate a few farm animals such as chickens, ponies or peacocks which make children very happy.the cultivation of vegetables such as dachine or sweet potato and citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tangerines, chadecs) aquaculture with our Saint-Pierre farm vanilla cultivation It is with great pleasure that we offer visitors services such as: accommodation in our bungalows completely autonomous in water and electricity, discovery tours of the farm, a table d’hôte using farm products For me, sustainable tourism is responsible tourism having a direct impact on the local economy, while preserving the natural resources essential to life. This is also the common thread of my concept of agritourism. For me, through tasting visits in particular, it is about making “homo economicus” aware of respect for the environment.