As part of the “Take your Chance, Go Responsible” project, we held a training session on Responsible Tourism in May 2021, facilitated by our partner BAAT. Unfortunately, due to the current global economic situation, we had to conduct the training online using the ZOOM software. Thus, during 3 days we exchanged on the theme of responsible tourism with speakers and young people from each partner country; Greece, Bulgaria and Martinique.
Concretely, here is what we did during this training :
DAY 1 – 25.05.2021
First of all, the #BAAT team quickly went over the main foundations of Responsible Tourism, for those who joined the project along the way and for the others, a little reminder never hurts.
Then, we had the opportunity to exchange around the good practices in responsible tourism already implemented in Bulgaria, Greece and Martinique.
DAY 2 – 26.05.2021
The second day of training focused on the presentation of a strategic and sustainable business canvas for the implementation of responsible tourism initiatives. In addition, experts in responsible tourism were able to exchange with the young people present around the resources and the identification of the impacts of tourism.
DAY 3 – 27.05.2021
The last training session dealt with the communication and marketing aspect of responsible tourism initiatives and the identification of different certifications (labels) for responsible tourism.