The Charter of the World Tourism Organization specifies that tourism development must be “ecologically bearable in the long term, as well as economically viable, and ethically and socially equitable for local communities.”
Nowadays in Europe the tourism industry employs around 17 million people. Its global contribution to economy is close to 10% of European Union GDP. However, European tourism is now facing several challenges starting with the constant need to innovate and upgrade the quality of its services.
At the same time, with the economic crisis in Europe, the unemployment rate among young people under 25 years old reaches an average of 17,2%. In Martinique, Bulgaria and Greece, these rates are even more alarming : at 58.9 % (INSEE), 25.90% and 46,5% (UE) respectively.
Still considered as a niche, the sector of sustainable tourism which offers high potentials for the development and the revitalization of the territories embodies a source of employment that remains underexploited by young people.
The aim of the Take your chance, go responsible ! project is on one hand to strengthen the young individuals entrepreneurial key skills and knowledge in the field of responsible tourism through mentoring, non-formal education, advising e-services, and e-commerce tutorials and on the other hand providing professionals in the field of youth with open access tools and resources.
Martinique-based NGO D’Antilles et D’Ailleurs is the coordinator of the Go Responsible project.
The association works towards training and promotion of the active and democratic participation mostly for women and young people with fewer opportunities by encouraging diversity, equality, inclusion and the fight against discrimination through four lines:
- Training : organization of conferences, seminars, training sessions, intercultural encounters on thematic issues such as civil rights, access to social benefits and active participation of young people and women in public life.
- Creating pathways towards mobility and employment : implementation of all initiatives, prevention and community education action to foster mobility and professional inclusion of people with fewer opportunities, particularly by promoting entrepreneurship.
- Raising awareness : development of partnerships with non-profit organisations and public institutions to carry out action to raise awareness of and fight against discrimination and exclusion.
- Cooperating and development of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) through capacity building and entrepreneurship education.
Headquarters : Le François, Martinique (France)
Open to the public by appointment only : 63 rue Courbaril, Le Robert, Martinique
Tel: +596 696 71 66 22
Mail: contact(a)dantillesetdailleurs(.)org
Solidarity Tracks is a social non-profit which promotes values of sustainable development, human rights, youth mobility exchanges and cross-cultural learning on a local, national and European basis.
Solidarity Tracks actions give support to individuals’ personal development within the local sustainable development. The ultimate purpose of the organisation is to apprehend the bonds that connect people, that inspire them and encourage the idea of an equal and mutual development. The organisation mainly focuses on socially disadvantaged young people but does also encompass children, parents, families, the elderly and people with disabilities within its activities.
I. Karavela 12, Lefkada 311 00, Grèce
Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism (BAAT)
The Bulgarian Association for Alternative Tourism (BAAT) is a non-governmental organization established in 1998. It unites family-owned guesthouses, family hotels, tour operators for specialized tourism, nature park managers, experts in responsible and sustainable tourism and individual people.
BAAT is a member of the EUROGITES network (, thus representing rural tourism in Bulgaria and is the official Bulgarian representative of ECEAT ( BAAT is reputed for the development and promotion of responsible and sustainable tourism in Bulgaria.
The organization created the first standards of quality for small tourism accommodation: “Bulgarski Dom”, the standard for accommodation in boarding houses, family hotels and guest houses (in 1998) and “Green Lodge”, a certificate for hospitality and sustainable administration for holiday facilities.
BAAT organised the first sustainable tourism fair in Sofia, the Green Days Fair for natural products, sustainable tourism and responsible lifestyle (2010-2016).
Address: Sofia 1000, 20 V, Al. Stamboliiski blvd., Bulgaria
Tel: +359 897 033 860