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The aim and the ambition of the Euro Caribeen portal Responsible Tourism is to become the first Euro-Caribbean non-profit portal dedicated to young initiatives in the field of responsible tourism and offering to : 

1- identify and give visibility to existing European initiatives / companies / services in the field of responsible tourism as well as the ones elaborated as part of the project (Responsible tourism mapping)

2-provide work and support space for the young project initiators (supported thanks to the project Take your chance, go responsible ! and beyond this partnership) with the FORUM space featuring each of the partners.

The mentors will communicate their expertise and provide answers to users’ particular questions. The transnational dimension would allow for wider perspectives, instead of a usually very local one that the young novice entrepreneurs may be used to, as they are not necessarily aware of global market demands. This would enable to consider forthwith a European, Caribbean and International customer base.

3-support self-directed learning for the young project initiators at the launch and early-stage of their business projects by publishing online training modules and tutorial videos on e-commerce. (Your tools – upcoming)

4-reinforce the existing practices of professionals that serve youth integration by providing them with educational tools adapted to the support of responsible tourism entrepreneurial routes. (Mentoring Guide – Your Tool – upcoming)

5-share the figures and knowledge excerpted from the Study on Responsible Tourism opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment in favour of the young persons in difficulty.

6-identify and list the resources, the labelling, the international institutions and organizations. (Resources)

7-raise awareness among the target audience, professionals, the public at large and politicians in regard to the values and issues of responsible tourism for local economic development.

Thus, the portal is a veritable space for maturation and thinking, acts as a bridge between young project initiators, existing entrepreneurs, professionals of the tourism industry and the others striving for youth integration.


The aim of the Take your chance, go responsible ! project is on one hand to strengthen the young individuals’ entrepreneurial key skills and knowledge in the field of responsible tourism through mentoring, non-formal education, advising e-services, and e-commerce tutorials and on the other hand providing professionals in the field of youth with open access tools and resources.

Go Responsible e-tutorials by Mylene Colmar (Plume Caraïbe)

“My strategy for distribution”

Go Responsible e-tutorials by David Martin (Ted Conseil)

“Investment, operation and cash flow : the solutions”

Go Responsible e-tutorials by Zephrine Royer (Creativ Sün Films)

“Producing your own low-budget promotional video”

Go Responsible e-tutorials by Marie-Caroline Boccanfuso (Legal expert)

“Legal context of the respect of personal data”

Go Responsible e-tutorials by Synthia Daclinat

“Local tourism, international tourism, Who is our target ?”

Go Responsible e-tutorials by Sonia Onier (web project manager)

“Natural Search Engine Optimization / SEO”

Go Responsible e-tutorials by Louise Renard (Raphaël Concept)



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©2025 All rights reserved - Go responsible - Unlocking the potential of youth entrepreneurship through responsible tourism

Website created by Stephanie Saxemard

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